At 07:41 PM 3/29/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Shab, there is a museum in-the-planning, as you probably know, called The
>Museum of Creativity, currently headquartered here in Santa Monica.  The
>National Inventor's Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio also concentrates on the
>creative process.  I was an early consultant on that one, which was developed
>by Hands On! Inc. in St. Petersberg - I know that some people from there are
>lurking on this list.
>Mary Worthington
Apparently you consulted from Florida by phone...the National Inventors Hall
of Fame is in Akron, not Canton. It's main floor is a very
Exploratorium-like hands-on area, with balconies overlooking it that contain
more traditional exhibits about the members of the Hall of Fame. Very
popular with school groups, though I wish it made more direct connections
between the inventors and the hands-on exhibits.