Six or seven years I ago I wrote an article for Hand to Hand, the journal of
the Association of Youth Museums, called "Personal Views of Memorable
Exhibits," which included exhibits ranging from "Mathmatica" and "Nation of
Nations" and reviewers such as Elaine Heumann Gurian and Sing Hanson from the
Boston Children's Museum. I have been asked to update the article for a new
publication and in addition to asking some of the original contributors to
update their contributions, would like to open it up to others.  If you have
visited, in the past five years, an exhibit (particularly but not exclusively
in a children's museum) that had a profound impact on you, I'd like to hear
from you.  I need a paragraph or two (no more than 700 words) about the
exhibit and why you thought it was so amazing, and your name and title.  I
posted this request to the children's museum list and got a few responses,
but I'd also like to hear from my fellow articulate and judgmental