Well, you might check out Indianapolis' CALDERFEST! this fall.

A variety of cultural institutions here (including the Children's Museum and
their hosting of the traveling Calder exhibition) will be putting together a
series of exhibitions and programs discussing the concept of creativity in
all disciplines as sparked by the art and life of Alexander Calder.  The
bulk of the programming will take place between September 13 and September
27, but some programs will start earlier or finish later.

For a complete description of what's going to happen, you can contact
Rosalie Ferguson, CALDERFEST! coordinator, at the Arts Council of
Indianapolis, (317) 631-3301.  I can personally vouch for our exhibition
:)   called INDIANA COLLECTS CALDER--it's Calder work from Indiana public
and private collections, and we are also sponsoring a lecture by Leonard
Shlain on Art and Physics, and creative uses of physics in art.

Julia Moore
Indianapolis Art Center