I believe there was a time when the one and only Smithsonian Institution
building was referred to as "The U.S. National Museum".  In the days when
things were simpler.

South Dakota

In article <[log in to unmask]>, Hank Burchard
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>     I'm embarrassed to have to ask this, but the references I have at
>hand, including the WWWeb, have failed me:
>     In a biography of naturalist Georg Steller, who sailed with Vitus
>Bering, there is a reference to the United States National Museum. That
>sounds familiar to me, but I can't place it and haven't been able to
>trace it.
>     So (blush), can somebody tell me where 'tis?
>     Hank Burchard * <[log in to unmask]> * Washington DC