Life wouldt perhaps be much lighter if the people working in historical
sites would work in costume and cooking dinner together, I hope ist a
nice job you have there, plucking ducks !

On Wed, 27 Mar 1996, Susan Carter wrote:

> I've been an interpreter for 10 years, so I've had my share of 'lighter notes'
> but two stand out, although I'm not sure they're humorous.
> In costume, walking down Duke of Gloucester Street at Colonial Williamsburg
> and a visitor asks " Isn't there a museum around here somewhere ?"
> In costume (and 1627 character!) at Plimoth Plantation, plucking a duck prior
> to cooking it for dinner and a visitor asks, " Is that a real duck ?"
> This last is one of a series of similar, common (perhaps daily?) occurrences
> at Plimoth involving fires, chickens, cows, etc., etc.  which some laughingly
> attribute to "Disney reality" (no offense, Disney folks, rather an
> acknowledgment of the quality of your 'virtual reality') but perhaps we laugh
> to keep from worrying?
> Then there was the man who wanted to know how I could weave sleeves and
> pockets and such into a shirt . . . luckily his wife was there to explain.
> thoughtfully--
> Su Carter
>      Weaver                           (508) 746-1622 ext.214
>      Plimoth Plantation           [log in to unmask]
>      Box 1620
>      Plymouth, MA 02362
> "There is no problem which does not become increasingly complex
> when actively investigated, growing in scope and depth,
> endlessly opening up new vistas of work to be done."
>                                                          - Fernand Braudel