Our ref:26097

26 MAR 1996

Dear Museum-L'ers

Nomenclature Use in the UK

Can you let me know the name and email or fax number of any
institution using AASLH's Revised Nomenclature (also known as
CHENHALL) in the UK.

We have a prospect currently using SHIC, who has seen Nomenclature,
thinks it superior, but is apprehensive about being the UK's only
user. Many thanks.

Best Wishes

Bil Vernon

Vernon Systems Ltd.                 "COLLECTION -
P.O. Box 6909                        Is there really any better
Auckland, New Zealand                Collection Management System?"
Ph:    +(649) 302-3147
Fax:   +(649) 302-3150
Email: [log in to unmask]
                 100033,673 (CompuServe)