When I worked at the American Indian Program at the Smithsonian, we received
about twenty calls one day for "free stuff about Indians." It seems that the
"Home Show" had some joker on who claimed you could contact the govt for free
things, and that was one of them. Not.

Phone calls that start with, "I have this shirt that used to belong to
Sitting Bull...." If Sitting Bull had owned all of the clothes that are
attributed to him, he would have needed 200 tipis just to store the stuff.

Phone calls that end with, "... so how much is it worth?" I am amazed that
John and Jane Q. Public think museum staff can see through the telephone
lines, or that our knowledge is such that we can evaluate their untrained
description of an object. (Kinda like we expect mechanics to do...;-)

Have fun.....

- Adrienne