Dear friends,

Has anyone out there had any dealings with the Rosa Bonheur Studio
Museum at By, France?  I am working on an article about R.B. and have
been unable to elicit a response from the museum staff via mail . . . despite
having my letters translated to impeccable French.  Does anyone have any
idea how I can get what I need from them?  Needless to say, I have
not got the resources to hop to France anytime soon.

The queries I sent to the R.B. Museum were quite specific, so I
cannot be accused of "asking for the moon," and in addition
I offered full reimbursement for photocopying and/or mail return
of materials as is cusotmary.  So I'm adrift.  Can anyone help?


"Every year, back spring comes, with nasty little birds
yapping their fool heads off, and the ground all mucked
up with arbutus."
                                 --Dorothy Parker

Anita Mills         [log in to unmask]
Public Relations Specialist
Office of University Development
Duke University
1 (919) 684-2123