R. Scott Williams wrote:
> Please do not send your anecdotes to Museum-l.  Instead please send them to
> the originator of this idea, Anita Cohen-Williams at
> [log in to unmask], who can then collate them, arrange them by
> subject, throw out the obnoxious, etc., then send one message to Museum-l
> that we can read or delete with a single stroke.

People who want to exchange humorous anecdotes on the list don't bother
me; but Mr. Williams' point about not wanting to take time reading them
is also well-taken.  I don't see a need to send all the posts to Ms.
Cohen-Williams, as long as everyone uses the same heading (in this case
"a lighter note"), I know what it is about and can choose to delete it
without reading it.  I actually enjoyed the thread on odd museums.  If
the subject heading clearly indicates the contents I always appreciate
that--for humorous and for serious posts.

--Helen Glazer
Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, USA
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