>Does anyone have any experience with operating museum gift shops/retail
>stores in a regular retail setting (not just on the museum premises)?  If
>so, we'd love to hear about it.  Please post to this newsgroup or send
>email directly to us at the addresses below.
>Thanks, in advance
>Greg and Deborah Larson
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Try the Biltmore Estate. I seem to recall that in addition to several gift
shops on the premises, they also had one in a sort of "gate house" right in
Asheville, NC.
Ivy Fleck Strickler                     Phone 215-895-1637
Drexel University                       Fax 215-895-4917
Nesbitt College of Design Arts          [log in to unmask]
Philadelphia, PA 19104

"Never forget that life is like a Fellini movie, and you're getting to see
it for free."