At 09:36 AM 2/5/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Julian Humphries wrote:

>Division of labor in
>our society has led to the erection of barriers between people in
>the form of professional jargons etc., which are designed to protect
>jobs and privileges . . .

I find it hard to believe that professional jargons are originally designed
to exclude, although they certainly can have that effect and may be
intentionally used for the purpose by some people.  I think they grow out of
the needs of a profession, and frequently there just are no other words to
use even if one wished to.  It's so easy to impute nefarious motives to
people when you don't understand them.
Janis Beth Wilkens
Curator of Collections/Interim Assoc. Director
Museum of York County
4621 Mt. Gallant Road
Rock Hill, SC  29732
803-329-2121  Fax: 803-329-5249
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