The Corot exhibition, jointly organized by the National Gallery of=20
Canada, the Reunion des Mus=E9eesde France, and the Metropolitan Museum,=20
opens this month at the Louvre in Paris.

Michael Pantazzi, the NGC curator involved, tells me the symposium is a=20
free public event that will be held at the Louvre Auditorium, 1-2 March=20
1996, 9:30-18:30 and later at the Villa Medici in Rome 9 March 1996=20
sponsored by the Academia de France =E0aRome.

The exhibition itself will be at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa=
21 June - 22 Sept 1995, and subsequently at the Met in New York.

Greg Spurgeon
Head, Art Documentation & Storage
National Gallery of Canada

On Wed, 7 Feb 1996, mark ast wrote:

> I understand that there is a conference in France on Corot in March relat=
> to the upcoming exhibition of his work. Do you have any information on wh=
> to contact about registration and other information on the meeting?
> Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. Feel free to reply to =
> off-list.
> Mark