Back in mid-January, Judy Rand was on her way to attending a meeting with
Microsoft to discuss "new directions for corporate giving."  Forgive me if
this was already discussed and I missed it but, what happened at that


ps: for those who missed this thread, I've included Ms. Rand's original
post at the end of this message.

Judy Rand wrote:
>> I've been invited to a brainstorm session to help Microsoft come up with
>> "new directions for corporate giving" on Thursday, 2/18. The company is
>> looking to divide their philanthropic giving into three fields:
>> Tech/Computers; Education; and Creativity (rather than "the Arts").
>> They're interested in hearing ideas from the museum field about things
>> they might do, what the current issues are, where the museum field is at.
>> I'd be happy to represent any big ideas you've got (i.e., it's not at the
>> "Fund me! Fund me!" stage, it's at the big picture/gathering background
>> stage.) The catch: I need to hear from you quickly, since the meeting's 48
>> hours from now.
>> If you're interested in contributing ideas or points of view, you can
>> e-mail me directly at [log in to unmask]
>> Thanks!!
>> Judy Rand, Rand and Associates
>> [log in to unmask]

William H. Stirrat  (Bill)
Evaluator/Market Researcher              ? !
Our Minnesota Science Hall                  o
Science Museum of Minnesota          /( )\
30 East 10th Street                                    /\
St. Paul, MN  55101
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As always, opinions expressed are my own.