On Tue, 27 Feb 1996, Joern Borchert wrote:

> Liebensraum> (by the way: you mean *Lebensraum* (place for

> You seem to have absolutely no knowledge of german language,

Sorry about the typo -- sort of like your lower-case "german"
(but I will NOT accuse you of being totally ignorant of the
English language as a result).

Also sorry if I hit a raw nerve.  I'm of German & Austrian
descent, lived in Germany for six years, and have continued
many friendships made while there.

I based my remark on comments made by neighbors in Germany,
by people I met on hikes and during weekend "Volksmarsches,"
and by the Germans who visit during their vacations to our
American West -- and who still (even after re-unification)
marvel at our vast open spaces compared to their "tiny,
crowded country."  In any case, NO NS connotations were
implied or intended, and I regret having offended your
sensibilities in this matter.  Please accept my apology.
