Are we to restrict museum admission only to the literate or those
accompanied by the literate?  Can't we be more creative? ARe rules the
only way to solve our problems?

On Tue, 27 Feb 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Perhaps we can meet with everyone's concerns about visitor behavior
> very simply. Honestly post at the door in large letters what the
> standards of behavior are in our institutions and what the penalties
> for transgressing them are (ranging from imprisonment to pity). Then
> simply see if anyone comes in. That will be the measure of how
> surely we have gauged the temper of the communities we serve as
> agents of social reproduction. Because the behavior code in the
> museum is as much a part of what we are doing and what we are trying
> to inculcate as is the story we are trying to tell with the
> artifacts--not an extra; in important ways it is the infrastructure
> to the message's superstructure.
> Pat Galloway
> MS Dept of Archives and History