My understanding is that the tax law does not permit bonuses to be paid
to staff in nonprofit institutions, in fact, that is one of the
distinguishing characterisitcs of nonprofits.  A bonus is technically a
share of the profits and in nonprofits, 'profits' revert to the
institution. Judy Endelman, Henry Ford Museum &Greenfield Village

On Thu, 22 Feb 1996, JKGee wrote:

> Our institution, a major art museum in the midwest, is currently
> undergoing reorganization.  As part of the change process teams have
> been formed to look at staff issues.  My team is looking at
> compensation, more specifically, bonuses and incentives . I have been
> monitoring this group for the last few monthes and found the information
> shared to be very valuable. Does anyone have experience with
> bonuses(cash and non-cash rewards)? What kinds of bonuses do you receive
> (if any)and/or what kinds of bonuses would you like to receive? Any
> ideas would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance for your help!