I'm sending this on behalf of my grandfather who lives in rural North Dakota
and, as such, does not have access to some of the resources I do here in
Washington, DC.  Unfortunately, I also have to work 2 jobs so I am appealing
to some of you heavy machinery experts and buffs for information before I try
to find time to hit the Library of Congress, et al.

Grandpa has an Ottowa gas engine he is restoring.  It is from 1915-1920 and
is a 3 HP engine.  It was made in Ottowa, Kansas.  He would like to know what
color it was painted (if at all) and what the structure and makeup of the
carburetor (sp?) is.  [I swear I looked that up in the dictionary and I'm
pretty sure that's how it was spelled...]  If you have any OTHER information,
I'm sure he'd be more than happy to hear it.

Thanks, in advance, for your help.  Grandpa and I both appreciate it.  :)

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