On Tue, 20 Feb 1996, Paul Apodaca wrote:

> In answer to the well-spoken Mr. Burchard, I am delighted with the
> control and restraint of your answer if not your position. While I
> understand your misgivings about those who are passed through the
> education system (I am confronted daily with college students you must
> remember), I reserve the right to not fall into a cynical humour, yet.
> The idea of the museum is obviously of special attention to many in our
> culture as it was before the aristocratic cabinets were ordered. From
> before Roman times to this very day, men have sought to find something of
> themselves in the things they make. The discussion has already produced a
> number of good alternatives, reading recommendations, and compromises. My
> respects to you and your life-accomplishments. I am enrichened, if
> unchanging in my view.
> Best,
> Paul Apodaca

       Aw, rats. The fight was just getting to be fun.

       Hank Burchard * [log in to unmask] * Washington DC