
*The biggest question is would the people who come to a casino even stop
by the museum?

1.  Many of these people come by tour bus.  They only see the outside of
the bus when leaving the bus and boarding the bus.

2.  Since casino people are strictly adults and museum visitors are
usually mixed age groups, do museum studies show enough adult/adult
groups to suggest adults only would go?  (Worse yet, would the groups
that have kids drop them off to the museum for babysitting?)

*The casino will be attracting drinkers and gamblers.  Will this influcen
the repuation of the museum.  For example:  I don't want my kids hanging
around a place where there are drunk drivers.  (Without getting into the
phrasology for the Indian reputation for drinking.)

1. When working with non-Indians the biggest problem I have is convincing
them that Indian culture still survives.  Because it is a thriving
culture it is evolving.  Would an exhibi that shows
the modern culture of Indian people help the potential public relations

2.  See Geroge Horscapture's book Pow Wow.  Which was also an exhibit of
modern culture.

*  Why is Los Vegas building chidren's attractions?  Is anything there
applicable to your situration?  Most of the Indian gaming casinos are
attached to Los Vegas business firms.  Would they be able to help you in
informtion $$$ to make the two business more compatable?

Just some interesting thoughts


Betsy Price, Project Manager            A joint project sponsored by:
The Natural History of Genes            Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
UMNH                                    Utah Museum of Natural History
University of Utah                      University of Utah Medical School
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

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