Good morning, Museum-l-ers:

Two points:  Although none of us who work in non-profit
organizations got in to our various fields in the hope
of becoming wealthy, independent wealth shouldn't be a
required qualification for taking such jobs.  And expecting
to earn a reasonable living is not the same as expecting to
get rich.

As for "doing" something, that is why the movement among
Yale University graduate students to unionize is so crucial.
Similar efforts in museums where I have worked have met with
but limited success.

As for dress codes and salary levels:  That problem isn't
particular to the museum field.  Prior to accepting the post
I now hold, I sold wedding dresses in New York's garment
district, wholesale.  My boss insisted that, as a front-line
representative of their company, I simply did not present the
proper appearance--my fingernails and eyelashes weren't long

All opinions are my own.

Jenni Rodda, Curator
Visual Resources Collections
Institute of Fine Arts
1 East 78th Street
New York, NY  10021
(212) 772-5872, fax (212) 772-5807, [log in to unmask]