In a message dated 96-01-16 10:09:58 EST, [log in to unmask] (Kevin Allen)

> W
>here did the idea of museum work as an inroad to wealth and fame come from?

I certainly don't think anyone enters this field with the intention of
getting "wealth and fame" but I certainly think we ought to get paid more!
But then again, I think teachers should make what pro ball players make and
vice versa. My major complaint is that those of us that get an MA in Museum
Studies, or a PhD in Anthropology (or whatever advanced degree suits you) are
trying to pay back student loans (at literally hundreds of dollars a month
for what seems like life) while working "in our field" at substandard
 incomes. I do not have any delusions about making money in this field,
that's not why I signed up. But, I would like to be able to concentrate on my
job instead of rushing off to wait tables at the end of the day in order to
make ends meet!

- Adrienne (an often disgruntled postal worker :?)