Does anyone know of an approved-by-conservators method to clean salt
     stains off varnished historic wood floors?  We've dug out from our 27"
     of snow that we got on Sunday and Monday (although it's snowing again
     now), and now we're dealing with salt being tracked on the floors.  We
     have runners down to keep people off the wood floor, but some salt and
     melted snow manages to trickle over anyway.

     I've tried wiping the floor with a mixture of distilled water and .5%
     Photo-Flo 200 or .5% Tritan X-100, rinsing with distilled water and
     then drying with a clean cloth. This method didn't work.

     Thanks for your help.

     Anne Markham
     Museum Technician
     Edison National Historic Site
     West Orange, NJ
     (201) 736-0550 x26
     FAX (201) 736-8496