Hi, I like your idea. I think that something like that would be very
helpful to cut down on email. I would like to see who else feels the same
about this. Bye for now.
                                        Michael M. Stachnik
                                        [log in to unmask]

On Fri, 19 Jan 1996, Redding Museum of Art &
History wrote:

> Is it my imagination, or has the volume on the MUSEUM-L about doubled since
> the first of the year? Seems alot of folks got new computers and/or modems
> during the holidays!
> My question is:
> Has any thought been given to the splintering of this list-serv into
> specific categories, i.e. collections, exhibits, administrative, etc.? I am
> not sure what the technological feasability of this would be, but it would
> seem to be more convenient if we had these categories under the Museum
> list-serv "umbrella", so to speak. Maybe the existing list-serv could
> function as a category dealing with broader museum issues, while the
> subject driven ones could better organize the various special-interest
> issues. With around eighty messages (and growing) a day, even the list-serv
> digest is getting a bit bulky!
> Any comments?
> OPINIONS EXPRESSED HERE ARE MINE,                \\|//
> NOT THOSE OF RMAH!                              { @ @ }
> ---------------------------------------------oO) -{~}- (Oo------------
> Jim Gilmore, Curator of Public Programs & Exhibitions
> Redding Museum of Art & History           [log in to unmask]
> PO Box 990427, Caldwell Park              916)243-8801
> Redding,CA 96099-0427                     fax 916)243-8929
> Museum Home Page:http://www.shastalink.k12.ca.us/www/rmah/RMAHmain.html