>I am looking for information on the influence of the 1976 Bicentennial on
>cultural organizations.  I'm interested in specific data- how many new
>museums, societies, historical houses, etc., were formed as a result of the
>Bicentennial. How was it celebrated and to what extent was it celebrated? My
>name is Jennifer Chinworth, and if anyone has any answers or knows books or
>periodicals that have dealt with this topic, I'm at the National Institute for
>the Conservation of Cultural Property, telephone 202-625-1495. address:
><[log in to unmask]>

Of course, perhaps the most profound influence was the wide availability of
federal dollars for cultural institutions like museums and libraries, just
as there was with the WPA of the 1930s.  There was a bandwagon-like
atmosphere back during the Bicentennial, and it seemed that anyone who
wanted to do  research, programs, performances, or exhibits needed only to
ask the Fed for funding.  It was a very good period for museums
(particularly history), and many still derive residual benefits from those
days of free flowing federal cash.  Ah, the good old days.  It's
interesting to think about now during the current budget SNAFU. It's sad
but ironically true that the government's bicentennial generosity is partly
responsible for the budget stand-off now.  That could be the Bicentennial's
greatest long term impact.

The study of geneaology got a big boost with the publication of Haley's
_Roots_ during that period, which, from a marketing perspective was a
stroke of genius.  It came out just at the right time.  It was no
coincidence.  Haley knew what he was doing.

Henry B. Crawford                                       v
Curator of History                                       v
Museum of Texas Tech University               v
Box 43191                                                   v
Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
806/742-2442                                          v
FAX 742-1136                                            v
[log in to unmask]                                     V
All opinions expressed are mine                   v