Several years ago I used a then-recent book on Carnegie
Corporation philanthropy in my dissertation. Unfortunately, my
copy is at home, enjoying the obscurity it so richly deserves.
As I recall, the book dealt more with the Corporation's library
philanthropy, but perhaps the citations might lead in a
direction. Try asking a librarian to help you identify it.

According to GailFJJMA:
> I am searching for information on gifts made to university museums of art
> by the Carnegie Corporation in the 1930s. Our museum received 27 works of
> art documenting the history of printmaking. Artists include Millet, Corot,
> Tiepolo, Goya, and Whistler to name a few.  Our records and local
> newspaper clipper document the receipt of this gift but there is very
> little on the program that distributed them.
> If your collection has gifts from the Carnegie corporation in the 1930s
> and you have better documentation, please contact me. I am patricularly
> interested in how the works were collected and organized for distribution
> to universities.
> Thanks for any help in this. I can be contacted at the following:
> Gail Kana Anderson
> Assistant Director/Curator of Collections
> Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, The University of Oklahoma
> 410 W. Boyd St.
> Norman, OK  73019-0525
> 405.325.3272 ; fax 405.325.7696
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