I've been invited to a brainstorm session to help Microsoft come up with
"new directions for corporate giving" on Thursday, 2/18. The company is
looking to divide their philanthropic giving into three fields:
Tech/Computers; Education; and Creativity (rather than "the Arts").
They're interested in hearing ideas from the museum field about things
they might do, what the current issues are, where the museum field is at.
I'd be happy to represent any big ideas you've got (i.e., it's not at the
"Fund me! Fund me!" stage, it's at the big picture/gathering background
stage.) The catch: I need to hear from you quickly, since the meeting's 48
hours from now.

If you're interested in contributing ideas or points of view, you can
e-mail me directly at [log in to unmask]

Judy Rand, Rand and Associates
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