Our museum is the site of prehistoric Mississippian culture village
(1100A.D.-1350 A.D.)  Professional archaeological excavations have been
conducted here since 1983, and during the 1994 excavation a floor painting was
uncovered.  It was carefully dug out of the ground and placed in a plywood
box.  The floor itself was hardened clay, and the painting appears to be a sun
cirlce with at least three distinct colors.  The pigment has not been

We'd like to make sure we're doing the right things conservation-wise, and
also welcome advice on how best to exhibit the artifact.

We're located 1/4 mile from the Mississippi River and humidity is a big issue.
I would appreciate any advice or suggestions.

Becky Fye, Assistant Director
Wickliffe Mounds Research Center
Wickliffe, Kentucky
(502) 335-3681 (Phone)
E-mail: [log in to unmask]