>The Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre is looking for assistance with the
>classification of part of their collection.  The collection consists of forest
>fire-fighting equipment.  They are interested in hearing from institutions with
>similar collections to find out what classification categories are being used.
>Thank you in advance.
>Please send replies to Christine Quance, Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre, 50
>Pim St., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, P6A 3G4.  Tel: 705-945-6242; Fax:
>Or e-mail the Ontario Museum Association ([log in to unmask]) and the replies
>will be passed on.
>Pat Reed
>Computer Advisory Coordinator
>Ontario Museum Association
>50 Baldwin St.
>Toronto, Ontario, Canada
>M5T 1L4
>Tel: 416-348-8672
>Fax: 416-348-0438
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The national smoke jumping school in Missoula, Montana might be abloe to
help with equipment terminology.  I don't have an adddress or phone, but it
should not be hard to find.  Also contact the US Forest Service (if they're
back to work)

Henry B. Crawford                                       v
Curator of History                                       v
Museum of Texas Tech University               v
Box 43191                                                   v
Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
806/742-2442                                          v
FAX 742-1136                                            v
[log in to unmask]                                     V
All opinions expressed are mine                   v