Remember the "net" is more than the World Wide Web and includes a
growing number of telecommunications possibilities, including both
virtual reality environments and plain old networking. And I've
found newsgroups like this one and others have opened up an enormous
number of possibilities of meeting people who will help. You have to
develop new research techniques sometimes and a good place to start
is with an article on networking on the net by Phil Agre available
on his web site (

Netscape is about to release version 2.0 and it includes improved
mail and newsgroup functions and the capacity for plug-ins like JAVA
and Shockwave for enhanced functionality. But it's only a start.
Personally, I'm spending a great deal of time these days on things
like Quicktime VR, Shockwave and RealAudio and even though they
don't produce much worthwhile in the short run, in the long run they
will and I will have had input into the kinds of tools I want
(instead of Microsoft giving me what they want to sell me).
ROBBIN MURPHY, creative director, artnetweb
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