Judy Rand spoke at a conference on Visitor Studies here at the Science
Museum in 1993.

The conference book, which was published at the beginning of the
conference, contained her article, entitled "Building on your ideas".
Headings from the article include "The interpretive framework", "Choosing
the main message", "Ranking and relating the ideas", "Storyline
development" and so on.

I would be happy to fax you a copy of the article if it sounds like the
kind of thing you're after.

The conference book was called "Museum visitor studies in the 90's" and was
published by the Science Museum in 1993. (ISBN 0 901805 61 0).

I hope that's useful!


> ----------
>From: DOWNS, Trish
>To: museum-l news
>Subject: text and labels
>Date: Wednesday, January 03, 1996 5:36PM
>Does anyone know if Judy Rand has published anything on
>text/labels/interpretation recently? I have read her article ''Making better
>layered labels" which is excellent.
>Tricia Downs

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