>Can anyone post appropriate electronic mail addresses for members
>of Congress to the list, especially that of Newt Gingrich?  Many
>Jenni Rodda, Curator
>Visual Resources Collections
>Institute of Fine Arts
>1 East 78th Street
>New York, NY  10021
>(212) 772-5872, fax (212) 772-5807, [log in to unmask]

You can contact Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) at [log in to unmask]

He's also got a home page at

I don't know if he's directly involved in the budget negotiations or not,
but he
is a member of the Senate.  He's the only member of Congress I have an
address for.

Henry B. Crawford                                       v
Curator of History                                       v
Museum of Texas Tech University               v
Box 43191                                                   v
Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
806/742-2442                                          v
FAX 742-1136                                            v
[log in to unmask]                                     V
All opinions expressed are mine                   v