Byron, didn't I post here earlier about Heritage Information
   Technologies, a firm out of West Virginia? They made a proposal to
   the Garden which is still being considered, which struck me as very
   reasonable. They have a system which was unique when they demonstrated
   it to us.  Someone may have since emulated it, tho it is patented.
   It's based upon ROM chips in units fixed at specific sites, with
   options for hearing systems, either hand held, or loudspeaker, or
   both.  It is very cleverly designed to be multi-layered, with keyed
   access cards, or keyed hand-held systems for different interest
   groups.  Definitely a well thought out system. It can even be solar
   powered in outdoor sites!

   Anyway, I was impressed, I have no interest other than professional in
   the firm, and I've never used it.  Loved the demo, thought the sales
   people were very straight, and thought that they delivered a package
   that in fact sold hardware, and let the museum create the content
   (though they had some subcontractors that they worked with.) They also
   were *very* flexible in their financing options, though I think they
   see us as a potential loss leader.

   The system is called POETS (Point of Exhibit Technology System or
   something) but don't hold that against them.  Robert Griffin is the
   President, chief bottle-washer, etc.  He struck all of us as a very
   straight shooter.  Their phone is (304)647-9900.  Feel free to tell
   him I sent you, though it probably won't help, at least it won't hurt.

   Eric Siegel
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