I have seen discovery rooms in operation in a number of places. Perhaps the
best of these were at:

The Australian Museum (Sydney)
The Australian War Memorial (Canberra)
The Auckland Museum (Auckland)
The California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco).

Each is unique and apparently quite effective in its own way, but I don't think
any of these institutions has yet tried to evaluate its discovery room, though
Katrina Stamp at the Auckland Museum is interested in doing so and Helen
Withnell at the AWM is conducting an evaluation of their education program (of
which the discovery room is a part). What makes the rooms in Sydney and
Canberra interesting is that they appeal at least as much to adults as to

We are hoping to establish a discovery room in this institution, but it is at
least some months away from construction. In the fullness of time, we will
evaluate it.

Harry Needham
Director, Programmes & Operations
Canadian War Museum