>   Jay:
>   When people drag and drop in the programs that you describe, are
>   they actually bringing the GIF (or whatever) to their home server, or
>   simply building a clickable link? If the latter, that is the whole
>   premise of the web.  If the former, I guess it does fall in a grey
>   area.  My personal sense is, that if people are going to put digital
>   images up on the Web, they'd better get used to the idea of people
>   borrowing them for their own use.  That is strictly a personal,
>   un-legal, opinion.
>   Eric Siegel
>   [log in to unmask]

By the way, there are dozens of sites on the web that archive buttons,
bars, icons, textures and other web-building graphics, available to all for
free. The variety is incredible.  Just go to Yahoo and type in "icons" or
"computer background textures."

Stealing custom graphics from someone else's website is another matter, but
I believe such images can be encoded to prevent their being pirated.

Stephen Nowlin
Vice President
Director, Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery
Art Center College of Design
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, California 91103  USA
(818)396-2397vox (818)405-9104fax
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