Well, thanks to Larissa Overmier, I think that the point has been
overwhelmingly made that there are a multitude of splintering-opportunities
out there in Listserve-Land.

As for me, I'm with Anita Cohen-Williams;  I love her "New Books" postings,
Hank Burchard's acerbic wit, those sincere attempts to render an idea or
questions in broken english, along with all of the rest of the diversity of

It takes a little attention to mailbox management to figure out an efficient
way to handle all of the mail  - just remember to use the "SET NOMAIL"
command when you want a breather or will be going out of town.

Also, remember this famous line?

 "To Digest, or not to Digest...That is the Question..."


David Harvey
Conservator of Metals & Arms
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
P.O. Box 1776
Williamsburg, VA   23187-1776   USA
voice:     804-220-7039
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]