Rest my case.

According to Henry B. Crawford:
> >I have already interjected the premise that-however
> >well-intentioned the heroic efforts to keep inside-the-Beltway
> >museums open, e.g., the Vermeer exhibit-to do so is a big
> >mistake in the context of the political dynamics of the
> >budgetary process.
> >I am sure that museum people think of themselves primarily as "museum
> >professionals," and from that perspective are inclined to
> >applaud the heroic efforts and their success. They do not see
> >themselves as primarily "government workers," and consequently
> >probably do not realize how keeping such high-visibility
> >government operations as museums at the seat of power open
> >damages the cause of other "government workers. . .
> >"Everyone came to take it
> >for granted, got fat and lazy, and that-coupled with some
> >undoubted excesses and corruption-have apparently caused
> >workers to view "solidarity" with either indifference or
> >disdain. Perhaps they choose to view what they do as not being
> >"labor": "I am a professional," not a working person . . .
> >Until working people realize that unless they organize and
> >combine for power, they will continue to get [deleted] over by
> >"management."
> Hello.  Excuse me.  We ARE museum professionals, and WORK very hard at it.
> We are not labor leaders, not politicians.  We are the custodians of a
> culture, and serve a higher purpose than mere petty politics.  Don't saddle
> us with the guilt of today's labor and budget problems.  In our business we
> are obligated to care for  and interpret our cultural patrimony, no matter
> what.  The objects in National collections still need attention no matter
> what the financial position of the government happens to be, and our
> colleagues in Fed museums do whatever it takes to care for them.  I realize
> that many federal museum employees CAN'T go to their work places regardless
> of whether they want to.  Nontheless, I commend those in the Fed system who
> can and do recognize their professional obligations above fleeting
> political agendas.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Henry B. Crawford                                       v
> Curator of History                                       v
> Museum of Texas Tech University               v
> Box 43191                                                   v
> Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
> 806/742-2442                                          v
> FAX 742-1136                                            v
> [log in to unmask]                                     V
> All opinions expressed are mine                   v
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