Good arguments have been made for keeping Museum-L as a single listserv,
and for splitting it into topic-specific groups.  I suggest that we test
the utility of using more descriptive SUBJECT lines in our postings.  In
the short-term this would provide relief for those lack the time to wade
through each message, and would indicate the relative volume for the
different topics discussed on this listserv.

To get the ball rolling, I'll suggest that we use the following subject

admin           administrative (staffing, salaries, etc.)
polic           collections policies
exhib           exhibition issues
storg           storage issues and practices
instal          installation practices and materials
trtmt           conservation treatment and materials
envir           environment monitoring and control (RH, T, pests, pollutants)
artist          information on artists/artisans
travl           travel related queries

You get the idea.  Doubtless that I've left out some important topics.
Perhaps as we post other topics we can adopt a provisional prefix for the

James Martin
Director of Analytical Services and Research
Associate Conservator of Paintings
Williamstown Art Conservation Center