from Mariea Fisher [log in to unmask]

One of the most useful aspect of Museum-L is that it is broad.  It's easy to
one message and if this isn't pertinent to delete others related to the title
spending time reading them.  Difficulties will arise in segregation of topics
several areas are of interest and who would define what fitted where?  I hope
list isn't splintered and that I can remain aware of museum issues being
across the board which certainly affect all museum practice.

Reply to message text:

  From: Geraldine Rodwell <[log in to unmask]>

Many of our staff,  although very interested in the idea of Museum-L, are
finding it just too broad to plough through when so many of the subjects are
not of interest to them.  I have offered to be the moderator for our staff
and lots of them have said `Great'.  Clearly the discussion list  needs to
be splintered.

Geraldine Rodwell
Reference Librarian , Research Library
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia
From: owner-museum-l
To: Multiple recipients of list MUSEUM-L
Subject: Increased LIST-SERV Activity
Date: Friday, 19 January 1996 2:16PM

Is it my imagination, or has the volume on the MUSEUM-L about doubled since
the first of the year? Seems alot of folks got new computers and/or modems
during the holidays!

My question is:

Has any thought been given to the splintering of this list-serv into
specific categories, i.e. collections, exhibits, administrative, etc.? I am
not sure what the technological feasability of this would be, but it would
seem to be more convenient if we had these categories under the Museum
list-serv "umbrella", so to speak. Maybe the existing list-serv could
function as a category dealing with broader museum issues, while the
subject driven ones could better organize the various special-interest
issues. With around eighty messages (and growing) a day, even the list-serv
digest is getting a bit bulky!

Any comments?

NOT THOSE OF RMAH!                              { @ @ }
 ---------------------------------------------oO) -{~}- (Oo------------

Jim Gilmore, Curator of Public Programs & Exhibitions

Redding Museum of Art & History           [log in to unmask]
PO Box 990427, Caldwell Park              916)243-8801
Redding,CA 96099-0427                     fax 916)243-8929

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