In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> This is only right with whole and complete works. But what about
publishing an idea that is more or less complete and you just whant to
wait for somebody to answer or just adding something to your questions?
What about people copying  parts of a text not only for using it for
themselves? The net is just missing a non public part where you really can
get into a discussion with other people. All you can do on the net is only
public and so your copyrights are public too because you will never be
able to follow the traps of the data you gave to the net.

Carsten, this is woefully wrong; and you and your advisees will get into
serious trouble if you act on it. I urge you and other interested parties
to post this inquiry to where qualified specialists can
comment on it. I am not a lawyer and therefore can't offer you advice --
but I follow the issue closely and do know what I'm talking about.

With best wishes,

Paul Doering in Rochester NY USA
  "Tomorrow will never catch up with yesterday
   because yesterday started sooner."
     - Carl Sandburg, "Rootabaga Stories"