With your proximity to this resource, you really should contact:

CERA (California Exhibit Resource Alliance)
contact is Mary Beth Shaw

I believe she can be contacted at either of these two places:
Grace Hudson/Sun House Museum, Ukiah, CA 707-462-3370


 California Council for the Humanities, San Francisco

>On Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:45:31, Paula Freedman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Subject: Traveling Exhibition Services

>Can any of you fine, well informed museum folks suggest circulating
>exhibition services other than the following?:  SITES, American
>Federation of Arts, Curatorial Assistance, and Smith Kramer.

>Thanks so much for your help,

>Paula B. Freedman
>Exhibition Coordinator
>California Historical Society

>P.S. You can e-mail me directly if you wish.  My address is
>[log in to unmask]