Opinions and suggestions please...

I am currently helping develop a WWW site
on space related themes (ie: universe, solar system, etc.) as part of a grant.

This project is "crash testing" the Web pages at various places
(museum, public library, schools, and university sites) before we turn it loose
to the rest of the world.  [Don't worry , I'll post the URL :-) ].

As one part of the project we are introducing cultural links relating
to the mythological history of the names of planets and their satellites.
We want to include images such as those found in classical paintings.
The problem is that our school advisors say if there is "frontal nudity"
in our Web pages,
even in context, they will not use any part of our Web site.

We as a group think that these images are "appropriate", but do not want
to alienate
a significant segment of our future audience.

Does anyone have any opinions, suggestions, or personal experiences to share?

Thanks in advance,

Paul Orselli
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Costello & Orselli