Has anybody mentioned the Roy Rogers Museum in San Bernadino CA?
It is with out doubt, the junkiest place I've ever seen.  I truly
believe Rot NEVER threw anything away. There is a collection of
watches... not commemorative watches, or special time pieces,
just every watch he ever owned.

There is an "exhibit" showing him hunting a polar bear in Alaska.
The scene consist of a mannequin of him with a rifle crouched
down behind a mound of snow... (or was it an igloo?) about to
fire upon a stuffed polar bear. And watching this touching little
scene, is a little penguin, who I guess walked the 12,000 miles
from the Antarctic to stare.

There are great movie posters... faded to blue because they are
placed in open sunlight..... and so on....

And yes...Trigger is there, in all his stuffed glory.