Yes, go! This odd little place (which by the way holds but a fraction of
the flotsam and jetsam Sanderson had collected at the time of his death) is
run by volunteers and contains everything from the odd musket ball to
Andrew Wyeth paintings hung in the stairwells.

BTW, Sanderson also taught square dancing and Indian club juggling to local
school kids (my husband was one) and could be found hitch-hiking all over
the counties well into advanced age.
Ivy Fleck Strickler                     Phone 215-895-1637
Drexel University                       Fax 215-895-4917
Nesbitt College of Design Arts          [log in to unmask]
Philadelphia, PA 19104

"Never forget that life is like a Fellini movie, and you're getting to see
it for free."