>Please send a listing (one or two items) of the oddest items in your
>collection for a survey I am conducting. You need not list your museum
>name, but be honest!  Send your favorites to Carl McQueary, Director
>Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum, AUSTIN, TX. at [log in to unmask]
>Our collection favorites include the pecan that grew on the tree in the
>yard next to the house Stephen F. Austin built, and the elm tree root in
>the shape of a snake.
>Thanks! Carl

Although I do not work there except as a consultant, the local museum (Wood
County Historical Society Museum) proudly displays a pheasant bagged by
Clark Gable.  There is a beautiful plaque commemorating the item.  Maybe it
isn't so strange.  Until the mid-1960s our county was a mecca for pheasant
hunters, with many movie stars making annual trips.  Fall plowing, removal
of fence rows, and more efficient harvesting techniques have more or less
ended pheasant hunting here.

Chris Geist
Christopher D. Geist                        Phone: (419)372-2981
Chair, Department of Popular Culture        FAX:   (419)372-2577
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH  43403                    E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]

Visit Our World Wide Web Site: http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/popc/home.html