For the benefit of the NZ group, the connection between the US
Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day is that this year's Valentine
often turns into next year's turkey.

According to Lucy Alcock:
> Over here in NZ we assumed that this was some sort of North
> American cultural reference that was basically lost on us that
> connected Thanksgiving (which we don't 'do') and Valentine's Day!
>  - or another theory - that the Valentine Museum was
> some kind of 1960s-70s remnant ie a museum of 'love'
> (Please excuse this cheeky reply....)
> with best wishes,  Lucy Alcock ([log in to unmask])
> American-only reference which made more sense to the bulk
> of the list
> Previous message:
> From: Farar Elliott [SMTP > [log in to unmask]]
> Date: ## 12/05/95 12:03 ##
> Don't you feel virtuous?
> I hope the children did well today -- were the plants all where you expect
> ed
> them to be?
> Good luck with your own academic hurdles tomorrow.
> You are Ms. Christmas goose -- warm and fragrant and delectable, and, it
> just occurs to me, much sleeker than a turkey.  It's noon, and my own
> procrastination takes the form of one part Deirdre and one part lunch.
> May I drop something by your house tonight?
> Farar Elliott
> Director of Public Programs
> Valentine Museum
> Richmond, Virginia