Somehow the image of
>Sewer-Rats-In-Suits keeps returning to my mind!
>One phrase in Edward Albee's eloquent speech to the National Press Club last
>month sums it all up quite nicely,
>"In a democracy you get what you deserve."
>Happy New Year!
Shall we all recall these senitments when the next opportunity to vote
rolls around???  Make your voice count, and become accountable...


Sharon Duane Koomler
Director of Education
Shaker Museum at South Union, KY
(502) 542-7734
e-mail [log in to unmask]

"The attainments of tomorrow are dependent on the efforts of today,
and are related to them as the blossom is to the bud,
and the fruit to the blossom."

                                  Eldress Catherine Allen, Mt. Lebanon