In article <[log in to unmask]> Anita Cohen-Williams
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I wish to second Karen Anderson's comments about using a thesarus such as AAT
>in one's collection software. Free text is all well and good, but a controlled
>vocabulary makes searching ten times easier. If you don't want to use the AAT,
>then at least use the Library of Congress's Subject Headings thesarus.

Or use "Nomenclature" if you're in a historical society. Karen mentioned
that is incorporated into AAT, but if you can't afford AAT, you can still
use it.  In my previous position, I created an authority file with the
categories and classifications, and proofed the object terms as they
were entered with records.  Not hard, and invaluable.

Sara Kelley

Sara Phinney Kelley                  Historic Site Administrator
Centre County Historical Society
State College, PA                                 (814) 234-4779

email: [log in to unmask]