On         Mon, 6 Nov 1995 Anita Cohen-Williams <[log in to unmask]>

>As I understood the point of the MCN-L list, it is to be a forum for MCN
>announcements and discussions pertinent to the organization. Opening it up
>non-MCN members seems to defeat that purpose. If we didn't have MUSEUM-L,
>I would agree that opening the list up to others would be in order, but
>MUSEUM-L does exist, there is already a forum for museum-wide discussion.

If MCN-L is not intended to be a general discussion forum, but only
strictly limited to MCN business and announcements, then I withdraw my
argument that it should be opened to the general population.  And yet, I
would hope that annuncements made to it, at least those that may be of
interest to the fairly large non-member interest group be copied to related

I wonder, is it possible to operate a listserv with two categories of
membership, one with full read and post priviliges, and another with read
and no posting, or read and post to a moderator?  Perhaps one of these
permutations might satisfy.

Robert A. Baron
Museum Computer Consultant
P.O. Box 93, Larchmont, NY 10538
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