Thanks for round one of your responses to my inquiry regarding the
organization and function of advisory committees for Unive. galleries.

Regarding Helen Glazer's question from the Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher
College--I find that the Art Gallery at DePaul is relatively well used by all
parts of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, which is due in part to
my VERY active solicitations to departments like English, History and
Sociology...  I offer tours, consultation re:  integration into syllabi and a
constant stream of cheerful but in your face memos.

Instead, I'm hoping to add to the committee from outside the Art
Department partially to clarify an ambiguous relationship to the Art
Department.  The Art Gallery is partially organized to serve the University
and university-wide programming and projects and  is no longer formally
tied to the AD, but some members retain a somewhat possessive

I'm continuing my research and survey...

Riva Feshbach
DePaul University Art Gallery
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