The (UK) Museums Association has for many years published and updats
regularly detailed listings of recommended charges for various
Rights and facilities, prepared in consultation with eg. Publishers

As the MA is a MUSEUM-L user (I think) perhaps Michael Wright or someone else
there might read this reply and post their current scales of charges?

Patrick Boylan


On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Felicia Pickering wrote:

> I am looking for fee schedules or guidance from anyone with experience
> in setting permission fees for photos used in television/video.
> Some of the requests we have been getting are for PBS, basic cable,
> pay cable channels, network TV, and home video.  When would you waive fees
> and what types of fees have you charged in the past under similar
> situations.  As we are a public institution and fairly new to charging
> permission fees I would appreciate any help anyone can give.
> ************************************************
> * Felicia Pickering    *                       *
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